When I was pregnant a good friend of mine gave me a gift made up of a Muslin blanket and a Lily n Jack snuggle bunny. These two items soon became my absolute must haves. I fell in love with the ever so soft muslin, which i had not heard of before becoming a mum, as a shoal whilst breastfeeding, a blanket that I wasn’t afraid Rebecca would be smothered in, cover over her pram or car seat, a play mat, towel and even a spit up cloth. I soon bought many more muslins and have been using them ever since. The lily and jack snuggle bunny is faceless, so there are no sewn in eyes that scratch them when they sleep, the ears are long and soft to put over eyes or cheeks and they somewhat flattened so they were easy to cuddle. This soon became the go to present I would get all my pregnant friends for their new bundles of joy.
When visiting the same friend in Australia in 2019, she showed me her daughters night light in her bedroom. It was just the sweetest thing I had seen in terms of night lights, and over that holiday proved the most effective I had come across. I quickly jumped onto the net and found ourselves on to take home with us. Everyone that sees my daughters room just adores it!
With having a child that didn’t want to sleep on her own, these night lights made her feel safe and secure in her own room. They provided her with a little night time companion that doesn’t heat up and is soft and supple for her to cuddle.
I did a lot of research about which lights were best whilst sleeping and found that the red emitting light was the best to promote a healthy sleep and was backed by science. I find the Silicon night lights have a variety of colours that we use throughout our bedtime routine, until she falls asleep, at which time I switch to red.
I have so many ideas for the future regarding silicon night lights and product development. So watch this space!
Here’s to getting 2020 over and done with! Bring on 2021…